Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy

Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy

Background image: People in a protest, holding trans flags and signs. One sign says Black Trans Lives Matter.

Gender Recognition & Lived Name Policy

The Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy ensures that all students, employees, alumni, and affiliates are identified by their accurate gender identity and lived name on university-issued identification documents and in UC’s information systems by providing guidance on the collection and reporting of gender identity, lived name and sexual orientation. The Gender Recognition and Lived Name policy requires UC to provide:

  1. At least three equally recognized gender options in university information systems — woman, man and nonbinary.
  2. Any individual entering into an academic or professional relationship with the UC may be permitted to indicate a lived name to be used in the UC system in all settings and situations that do not require a person’s legal name.
  3. An efficient process for current students, faculty and staff, and for UC alumni and affiliates, to retroactively amend their gender designations and lived name on university-issued documents, including eligible academic documents, and in information systems.


If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, regarding the Gender Recognition & Living name policy, please contact:

GRLN Executive Sponsors

  • Dania Matos (she/her/ella), Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion 
  • David Turner (he/him), Executive Director, Campus Applications & Data

GRLN Leadership

  • Em Huang (they/them), Director of LGBTQ+ Advancement & Equity, Gender Equity Resource Center
  • Billy Curtis (he/him), Executive Director, Gender Equity Resource Center

Name and Gender Change workshops for Spring 2025

Flyer for free Name and Gender Change Workshops by EBCLC & Berkeley Law for trans and GNC individuals. Spring clinics on Jan. 21, Feb. 18, Mar. 18 & Apr. 15, from 6:00pm - 9:30pm.

The dates for our clinic this year are Jan. 21, Feb. 18, Mar. 18 & Apr. 15, from 6:00pm - 9:30pm. They're all on Tuesdays, starting at 6:00pm; we meet with our clients either in-person (at the Berkeley Law building), over Zoom, or over the phone. 

For more information or to register, individuals are encouraged to contact NGCW at (510) 548-4040 ext. 387 or by email at