Truth-telling, Trust, Transformation

Fall Semester 2021 Listening Sessions

Background image: Students walking through Sather Gate

Vice Chancellor Dania Matos held three listening sessions during the Fall 2021 semester to learn more and hear how students, staff, and faculty experience the campus.

Tilted to the right angle of doe library with sather tower in the background

Join us as we co-create what diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice (DEIBJ) can be at Berkeley.


The communication of what is known or believed to be true without deceit or falseness.

What comes to mind when you hear the word 'truth-telling'?

What comes to mind when you hear the word 'truth-telling?' 


Firm belief in the integrity, ability, or 
character of a person or thing; 
confidence or reliance

Truth-telling Cloud - What motivated you to participate in the listening session?

What motivated you to participate in the listening session? 


A change or alteration, esp a radical one.  A complete change in somebody/something.

Equity Advisor rally in support of students
Group of male students studying together in Moffitt Library
Transfer Student Center
Office for Graduate Diversity