Asking for names
Before creating a form or survey, consider whether collecting legal name is necessary, or if a lived name (also called "chosen name" or "name in use") is sufficient. If collecting names, ask respondents to share their lived name, regardless of whether you also request a legal name.
An explanation may help such as:
- Lived Name (the name we should use when speaking with you or writing to you)
- Full Legal Name (required by University policy)
Asking for gender identity or sexual orientation
While the collection of sexual orientation information is not required by Presidential Policy, this information may be collected for legitimate business reasons. These reasons may include the need to collect more comprehensive statistics on aggregate student outcomes or to better understand the use of support resources and services for LGBTQ+ students and employees. Before creating a form or survey, consider whether you need to collect this information. Do not ask for gender identity or sexual orientation information unless you have a legitimate reason and have answered the following questions:
- What will you do with this information?
- How will you securely store this information?
- How will you notify individuals of how their information will be used, who will see it, and how it will be stored and/or displayed?
Collection of gender identity information
When collecting gender identity in accordance with UC Policy on Gender Recognition and Lived Name, please use the following set of questions on all forms, surveys, IT Resource systems, and other methods of collecting gender identity information.
Question 1: What is your gender identity?
Answer choices:
- Woman
- Man
- Nonbinary
- Different Identity (Forms or IT Resources should include an optional open text box for “Different Identity”.)
Question 2: Do you consider yourself to be trans, transgender, or under the trans umbrella? (Include information expanding on
Answer choices:
- Yes
- No
- Decline to state
Systems and forms should provide definitions of gender identity and trans/transgender in a pop-up information box. Systems and forms should avoid using terminology such as “sex assigned at birth,” “sex listed on birth certificate” or “other”.
Data entry systems should provide definitions of gender identity in a pop-up information box or glossary.
Collection of sexual orientation information
When collecting sexual orientation in accordance with UC Policy on Gender Recognition and Lived Name, please use the following options on all forms, surveys, IT Resource systems, and other methods of collecting sexual orientation information:
Question: Do you consider yourself to be:
Answer choices:
- Asexual
- Bisexual
- Gay
- Heterosexual or Straight
- Lesbian
- Not listed above (Forms or IT Resources should include an optional open text box for “Not listed above”.)
Data entry systems should provide definitions of sexual orientation in a pop-up box or glossary.