A Place at the Table: Interactive LGBT Exhibit at The Bancroft Library
In the Spring of 2012, the Bancroft Gallery will present a multimedia exhibition that highlights the sexuality and gender resources of The Bancroft Library.
Project sponsor: The Bancroft Library. Contacts: William Benemann, Gary Handman, Martin Meeker.
Bears Baking Bread: Bringing Social Justice to the Table
This student-led project builds on an existing program, Bears Breaking Bread, which brought together Israeli and Palestinian students, Protestant and Catholic students, and Southeast Asian communities throughout the 2009/2010 academic year. At theBears Breaking Bread dinners, students strictly refrained from discussing politics. This year, at four Bears BAKING Bread dinners, students from communities facing conflict (Jewish and Muslim, interfaith, inter-Greek, and political parties) will cook and share a meal, then engage in moderated conversations.
Project sponsors: ASUC, Residential and Student Services Program (RSSP).
Berkeley's Undocumented Students — Research, Community, Action
The three prongs of this project are 1) to create new community building efforts among undocumented students across lines of race, ethnicity, and national origin, 2) conduct an engaged research project to collect data about undocumented students at UC Berkeley that are not currently collected, and 3) facilitate information distribution of findings from both the community building and the research portions.
Project sponsors: Center for Race & Gender, Center for Latino Policy Research, Asian Pacific American Student Development, Chican@/Latin@ Student Development, Multicultural Immigrant Student Program. Contact: Alisa Bierria, Evelyn Nakano Glenn
Cal Veterans Dialogues: Building Understanding through Exchange
A current Cal Veteran student will collaborate with Cal Veterans Student Services to develop events and workshops for students and the campus community aimed at cultivating better understanding and dialogues between civilians and former service members.
Project sponsors: Transfer, Parent, Re-entry Student Services. Contact: Ron Williams
Expanding Health and Recreation Opportunities for Disabled Campus Community Members: A Planning Grant
A working team, led by an undergraduate student, supported by the Division of Equity & Inclusion, and composed of representatives from Disabled Students Program, Recreational Sports, Physical Education Program, University Health Services and others will use the planning grant to develop a comprehensive health program for campus community members with disabilities.
Contact: Matt Grigorieff
Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Project
This project, focused on the UC Village student community, intends to educate entering students on preventing intimate partner violence (IPV) — domestic and dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. It will produce a student-voice video program, reflecting the cultures, languages, and countries of origin of our residents, to confront the chronic problems of IPV that affect them.
Project sponsors: Residential and Student Services Program (RSSP), University Health Services, and Student Life Advising Services/Educational Opportunity Program (SLAS/EOP). Contact: Cathy Kodama
Into the Light — Artistic Expressions of the Student Experience
Current Cal undergraduates from low-income and first generation college-going families will be encouraged to submit works of art (video, song, poetry, graphic art) that represent their individual and collective experiences as members of these communities.
Project sponsors: SLAS/EOP, Financial Aid, Student Learning Center. Contact: Julian Ledesma
My Home Campus Speaker Series: Facing the Fear of Hate Incidents on Campus
Academic experts on multidisciplinary approaches to hate incidents and crimes related to race and ethnicity will be brought to campus to speak throughout the year. These speaking events will be followed up with panels of students, faculty, and staff responding to the presentation and related current issues on the UC Berkeley campus.
Project sponsors: American Cultures, Ethnic Studies Library, American Indian Graduate Program, Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion. Contacts: Carmen Foghorn; Lillian Castillo-Speed; Victoria Robinson
ONE — Our Neighbor Expressions of Creativity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness
A multimedia website will be created within the School of Public Health (SPH) dedicated to students, staff, and faculty as a platform for different modes of expression which reflect the themes of diversity, respect, creativity, and inclusiveness. The site will be available for public viewing and in the SPH departmental spaces. Community social gatherings will be held once a semester, which feature live performances and opportunities to highlight some of the website postings.
Project sponsors: School of Public Health. Contacts: Dion M. Shimatsu-Ong; Norma Firestone
Queer People of Color @ Cal: Stories of Struggle and Victory
A student-led project will use video and photography to develop, record, and share the stories, struggles, and victories of queer people of color (QPOC) on the UC Berkeley campus.
Project sponsors: Undergraduate students, Multicultural Community Center, Gender Equity Resource Center. Contact: Mayra Gonzalez
Restorative Justice Center Project
This project will build a cadre of students and staff trained in Restorative Justice practices — dialogue-based methods to prevent and resolve conflicts. Trained students and staff will then share these practices through their various groups and communities on campus.
Project sponsors: The Restorative Justice Committee and the Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice (both at Berkeley Law); the Multicultural Community Center; Peace and Conflict Studies; and SEEDS (Services that Encourage Effective Dialogue and Solutions, a community-based nonprofit). Contact: Julie Shackford-Bradley
Step In, Speak Up: The Green Dot Strategy for Violence Prevention
Led by the office of the Dean of Students, a cadre of trainers, both staff and students, will be developed to deploy this violence prevention strategy to various student communities and groups. A "Green Dot" is any behavior, choice, word, or attitude that promotes safety and communicates intolerance for any form of violence and is built on the premise that a bystander engagement can alter the outcome of power-based personal violence.
Project sponsors: Office of the Dean of Students. Contact: Akirah Bradley