Coalition Informational Outreach 2.0
The Coalition for Excellence and Diversity in Mathematics, Science, and Engineering (The Coalition) will create video and online, live informational tools to assist undergraduate applicants in navigating the STEM fields at Berkeley, the services and support offered by The Coalition and how to understand what Berkeley has to offer them as perspective STEM undergraduate students. This is a collaborative project between the Biology Scholars Program (BSP), College of Chemistry Scholars Program (CoCSP), The Compass Project, Engineering Student Services, the College of Natural Resources' Office of Instruction and Student Affairs, and the Professional Development Program. Contacts: John Matsui
Fitness For All
Led by the Department of Recreational Sports in partnership with the Disabled Students' Program, the Disabled Students' Union and other campus partners, will build the infrastructure needed for a permanent fitness and recreation program for students, staff, and faculty with disabilities. Contacts: Mike Weinberger, Matt Grigorieff
Getting Into Grad School
This project will increase the opportunity for undergraduate first-generation, low-income students to be receive mentorship by current graduate students on graduate school preparation and application processes. Graduate students participating in this endeavor will also receive training in mentorship best practices, practices that will also aid them as they advance into career opportunities or further graduate studies. It is a collaborative project between the Graduate Diversity and Outreach Program(GDOP), the Berkeley Science Network (BSN), Student Life Advising Services/Educational Opportunity Program (SLAS/EOP), the Bridges Program, and the Graduate Minority Outreach and Retention Program (GMORR). Contacts: Carla Trujillo, Avisha Chugani,Cynthia Ladd-Viti
Student Engagement and Retention through Research
A set of community engaged research projects with faculty mentors, community partners and regular academic advising will be constructed and competively offered to undocumented undergraduate students. The students will also be trained in research methodologies and writing through coursework designed and led by the project leaders. This project is sponsored by the Center for Latino Policy Research (CLPR), Student Life Advising Services/EOP (SLAS/EOP), and the Marco Antonio Firebaugh Scholars Program. Contacts: Lisa Garcia Bedolla, Rosaisela Rodriguez
Writers' Central
A fully resourced, online academic writing workshop will be developed and offered as a pilot program to underrepresented minority graduate students in the social sciences. This workshop will focus on shortening the time to degree, improving the quality of the writing process for participants, and enhancing cross-disciplinary and collaborative approaches to dissertation writing. This project is sponsored by the Division of Social Sciences' Office of Graduate Diversity