I am writing to share good news: Our requests to unname LeConte Hall and Barrows Hall have been approved by University of California President Michael Drake. The names “LeConte Hall” and “Barrows Hall” have been officially removed from each...Read more about Unnaming LeConte and Barrows Hall
After much discussion at both the local and systemwide levels, we want to announce the following fixed Winter Curtailment days: December 23, 28, 29, 30, 2020, and January 4, 2021. Our campus Winter Curtailment is separate from any kind of curtailment...Read more about Winter Curtailment - Fixed Days
I am pleased to announce the call for nominations for the annual Chancellor’s Awards for Public Service, recognizing students, staff, and faculty for their individual and collective efforts to benefit others locally and globally.
We’re pleased to announce that our proposal to pilot a limited number of outdoor instructional activities has been approved by the city of Berkeley Public Health. The pilot will kick off on Monday, Oct. 26, and end on Tuesday, Nov. 24, before the...Read more about Outdoor instruction pilot approved
The UC Berkeley community celebrates disability awareness in October each year, and this year is especially meaningful as it is the 30th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Berkeley campus is the home of the...Read more about Disability Awareness Month at UC Berkeley