Expansion of COVID-19 testing requirements

January 14, 2021

Campus Community:

We write to announce the expansion of the mandatory testing for COVID-19. Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 26, anyone who comes to campus to work or study — including faculty, staff, postdocs and students who have permission to work on campus — will be required to get tested for COVID-19. 

Throughout the pandemic, mandatory testing has been expanded as additional testing capacity became available and more affordable. The mandatory testing program is one part of UC Berkeley’s commitment to helping slow the spread of COVID-19.

Testing compliance will be monitored using the color-coded badge system. Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 26, a green badge will be required to enter any university building on or adjacent to the central campus. You may be asked to show your badge upon entering campus buildings. In order to have a green badge, you will need to be current with your testing regimen:

Anyone living on campus will be required to test twice weekly. This includes students in residence halls and campus-owned apartments, residential life staff and resident faculty. (See details for University Village below.)

Anyone coming to campus will be required to test weekly. This includes faculty, staff, postdocs and students who have permission to work in-person on the central campus or in campus buildings adjacent to the central campus. It also includes students receiving in-person instruction. If you only come to campus on occasion, you are only required to be current with your testing when on campus.

Students who live at University Village will also be required to test weekly beginning Tuesday, Jan. 26 and surveillance testing is now available onsite.

If you work in-person at Richmond Field Station or other remote university facilities, you’re strongly encouraged, but not required, to get tested weekly. You’re encouraged to use community testing options and are also welcome to get tested at the UC Berkeley testing sites if traveling to the central campus is feasible.

All other students living in the vicinity of the campus, especially students living in congregate housing situations such as in the fraternity or sorority houses and the co-ops, are strongly encouraged to get tested regularly. As noted above, testing is mandatory for students participating in in-person instruction.

For employees who are required to get tested, the time spent getting tested should be considered time worked. Managers should work with their employees to allow time for testing within the employee’s regular work schedule. 

Testing is currently available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday at the Rec Sports Facility and Memorial Stadium. A new drive-thru testing site at Underhill Parking Garage will have later hours to accommodate swing-shift employees. Drive-thru testing will be available Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 1 to 6 p.m., starting Tuesday, Jan. 19. For night-shift employees who are not able to utilize other testing options, a self-administered saliva test will be made available. Details about the saliva test will be posted on the UHS testing website. 

Testing FAQ has been developed to answer additional questions. The page also includes information about testing off-campus and will be updated as needed.

We realize that mandatory testing may be an inconvenience for some. We’ve also received feedback from many who would like to see mandatory testing expanded. Our decisions are guided by what’s best for the health and safety of the campus community, which will always be our number one priority.


Benjamin E. Hermalin
Vice Provost for the Faculty

Guy Nicolette, M.D.
Assistant Vice Chancellor, University Health Services

Eugene Whitlock
Chief People & Culture Officer

This message was sent to all Staff and Faculty.

People & Culture