
Condemning New Zealand Mosque Attacks

March 15, 2019

Dear students, staff, and faculty,

Today, we join many around the world in mourning the deaths of at least 49 Muslim worshippers killed and dozens more injured in mass shootings at the Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Mosque in New Zealand. These unconscionable crimes mark a terrible moment in our global history, and the Berkeley campus sends its support to the people of New Zealand, Muslims of all nations, and everyone impacted by this tragedy. We strongly condemn these horrific acts of violence.

While these terrorist attacks took place far from our campus, they...

Chancellor Christ condemns “horrific and senseless violence” in Pittsburgh

October 28, 2018

Dear campus community,

Today we join together with millions of people around our country and the world to condemn the horrific and senseless violence in a Pittsburgh synagogue on Saturday. On behalf of the UC Berkeley community, I extend our sincere condolences and strong support to the relatives, friends and colleagues of the eleven Jewish Americans who were senselessly slaughtered in their house of worship. We are all members of the extended, global family that mourns their loss.

This is just the latest of what appear to be hate-driven incidents...

Equity of Experience for Community Members with Disabilities

May 17, 2019

To the Berkeley campus community:

Over the last few months, I have been sharing information about the values and objectives at the heart of our efforts to increase the diversity of our university community in the broadest sense and in every form. In these messages to campus, I have described efforts underway for the undergraduate,...

UC Berkeley United Against Hate

October 19, 2021

Dear Campus Community,

The reopening of our campus has enabled our community to reconnect in meaningful ways over the past several months. We have cherished the opportunity to work and study together, after being separated for so long. We have celebrated the diversity of our campus community with recent events, including National Coming Out Day and ...

A Semester Unlike Any Other

August 26, 2020

Dear Campus Community,

As we begin a fall semester unlike any other, I want to provide you with updates and new information about our plans, hopes, and expectations for the months ahead.

I have nothing but profound respect and appreciation for how every single part of the Cal community has responded to the pandemic’s challenges and uncertainties. Students, by choosing to continue your education, are showing...

Honoring survivors and recognizing Domestic Violence Prevention Month

October 21, 2021

Dear Campus Community,

October is Domestic Violence Prevention Month (DVPM), and as we close out the month, we want to honor survivors and amplify the prevention of relationship and domestic violence.

To survivors in our community:
We write with an unconditional message of support, this month and every month. Your courage and power inspire us. We know how difficult it can be to seek support, recognize harm in a relationship, or pursue a path toward healing. But you are not...

Update on Disabled Students Program Services

October 11, 2016

Dear Campus Community,

UC Berkeley is committed to providing a broad array of services to the more than 1,800 students who are part of the Disabled Students Program (DSP). Our 34 DSP staff assists students with everything from arranging for academic accommodations and proctoring services to sign language interpretation and mobility consultations.

Last month, the California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) made significant changes to a grant program, Workability IV (known as WAIV), that provided funding for career services for 60 of our 1,800 DSP students. With less than one...

Standing with India

May 6, 2021

Dear campus community,

Even as the threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic begins to recede in the United States, we are witnessing a tragic surge of new cases around the world, particularly in India. As a global university, our community—as well as our caring and compassion—extends well beyond the boundaries of our campus and the country.

On behalf of campus leadership, we wish to offer our deepest support, sympathy, and profound condolences to all of our students and colleagues who are either in India, or have friends and family who are imperiled by the expanding crisis there...

Resources for preventing and responding to sexual and domestic violence

April 3, 2020

Director of the PATH to Care Center Mari Knuth-Bouracee, Acting Director/Title IX Officer of the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination Cherie Scricca, Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor on Sexual Violence/Sexual HarassmentbSharon Inkelas and Chief People and Culture Officer Eugene Whitlock sent the following message to the campus community on Friday:

We write today, in recognition of Sexual...