Demands were made by the Black Student Union in 2015.
Hire two Black psychologists who understand “the racially hostile campus climate at this university.”
Open an African American Student Development Resource Center with event space to help improve Black students’ relatively low graduation rate of 77 percent.
Hire two Black development advisers to mentor and provide academic guidance for Black athletes.
Allocate $300,371 to hire two Black admissions staff members who specialize in recruiting Black students.
Double the budget for the “Getting into Graduate School” mentorship program.
Allocate $113,932 for a program director to help with outreach and retention efforts done by student volunteers who say they are overburdened by the work.
Immediately create a committee to recommend, by April 8, ways to aggressively recruit and retain Black staff and faculty.
Rename Barrows Hall to Assata Shakur Hall.
Fully fund the American Cultures and Engaged Scholarship program, and hire two staff members for it.
Top administrators and Black student groups will meet together at least once a semester.