Take Action

Dismantling Racism Study & Action Group for justice, liberation, and belonging at UC Berkeley

Tools for Transformation from the Social Transformation Project

    Equity & Inclusion - Assess and facilitate issues of oppression, exclusion and inequality.

    Leadership - Develop more powerful, enlightened, and effective leadership.

    Personal Mastery - Develop the meta-skills that help people operate in their zone of excellence.

The Creative Discovery Fellows website - Including faculty highlights and case studies and student project examples.

    Creative Discovery Student Hub - This newly redesigned website includes both technical advice on applications such as Adobe Illustrator, Premiere Pro, Audition, and more; as well as design advice and project guides to help students successfully complete a creative project navigated within frameworks of social justice pedagogy. (CalNet authentication required.)

    Curriculum and Tool Kit - The CDF program operates from a set of analytical premises operationalized through a series of reflection activities and an open-ended pedagogical process. The tool kit is intended to support faculty with assignment design and with facilitating an anti-racism creative learning process.

    Program Model, Best Practices and Impact Evaluation - Central to the CDF program is an understanding that impactful creative work is much more than student knowledge and skill acquisition. The program's theoretical model and program impact analysis allow faculty to identify learning goals and assignment structures adaptable to their own courses.

Learn about — and apply to join — the UCOP Anti-Racism Task Force - University of California Office of the President

Leading with Diversity. UC as a National Model for Cultivating Diverse Leaders - University of California

Anti-Racism in Academia - a 5-part discussion series, taking place from August to December 2020, outlining an action-oriented approach to dismantling racism in our own spheres through conscious decisions and intentional actions.

Resources from Centers for Educational Partnerships

Our Commitment to Anti-Racism: Fall 2020 Initiatives - Graduate Division, UC Berkeley

Diversity Hiring Resources - People & Culture, UC Berkeley

Working with Diverse Groups - People & Culture, UC Berkeley

Managing Diversity in the Workplace: Management Process - People & Culture, UC Berkeley

Managing Diversity in the Workplace: Guiding Principles - People & Culture, UC Berkeley

Managing Diversity in the Workplace: Resources - People & Culture, UC Berkeley

Integrate Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging into Your Work - People & Culture, UC Berkeley

Effective Teaming - Collaboration, Trust & Leveraging Diversity - People & Culture, UC Berkeley