Andrew Eppig, PhD

Job title: 
Director of Equity Data Initiatives

Pronouns - he/his

Dr. Eppig is the inaugural Director of Equity Data Initiatives in Equity & Inclusion. He oversees institutional research to understand and eliminate inequalities in higher education. His work encompasses program assessment and evaluation; survey design and analysis; demographic data collection and reporting methodology; and institutional data governance and infrastructure.

Andrew has a PhD in Physics from the University of Michigan where he worked on high energy experimental particle physics at the ATLAS experiment at CERN and the CDF experiment at Fermilab.

About E&I Institutional Research 

The Division of Equity & Inclusion Data Initiatives office provides analysis, tools, and consultation around institutional data to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging to the campus, divisions, departments, and programs.  This broad range of offerings includes reports on student outcomes; designing, administering, and reporting campus climate surveys; and improving data infrastructure to better serve the campus analytic capacity and community needs.  These efforts help identify equity gaps, track initiative progress, and evaluate program effectiveness in removing systemic inequalities and fulfilling the mission of the university.

Office Goals

  • To streamline data requests, processing, analysis, and reporting for the campus to allow for data-driven decision-making around diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice;

  • To support divisional and campus initiatives and strategic priorities with data and analysis

Services Provided

  • Reporting consultations

  • Data consultations

  • Research consultations

  • Data infrastructure consultations

  • Survey consultations 

Office Hours

  • Available via email.  Zoom meetings through appointments.

