URGENT - Classes Cancelled for Thursday (10/10) Due to Power Outage

October 10, 2019
PG&E has shut down power to the UC Berkeley campus. ALL classes are cancelled for Thursday (10/10/2019). Employees, please contact your managers for further direction.

During the power outage, many campus areas and buildings may be dark, which could make navigating the campus more difficult and raise personal safety concerns. For that reason, we encourage members of the campus community to not make unnecessary trips to campus during the power outage. 

Classes are cancelled for Thursday and employees are encouraged to stay home unless they are critical employees. The campus is not closed, but services are limited. Many residence halls may be without power. Subterranean parking areas will be closed. Elevators should be avoided, and staff with mobility issues are encouraged not to come in to work for this reason. UCPD’s 9-1-1 dispatch center will remain fully operational during the outage.

For the latest and most updated information about residence halls, dining services, the research enterprise, parking, and more as this situation unfolds, please visit: news.berkeley.edu

Tips and additional information can be found here:
Thank you for your patience and understanding.