Response to Campus Climate Issue

July 2, 2019

Dear Campus Community,

I write to you today to share some information which I hope will serve as a reminder to our community that there are people around us who carry with them different life experiences and identities, and with whom we have a shared humanity.

Last week, in an unfortunate escalation of events next to a playground on university property, two young Black boys, sons of two of our students, were detained by two of our campus police officers. 

I am concerned about what was reported and therefore will ask for an outside review of the police interaction with the boys. I am aware of the broader context of national police interaction with the Black community and believe this and any comparable situations warrant attention from campus leadership and I am a committed partner in this work.

Representatives from UCPD, Equity & Inclusion, Administration, Counseling & Psychological Services, the Chancellor’s Office, as well as faculty have met with the families most affected by this incident to hear their concerns, address their immediate needs, and develop a path forward. 

Over the last two years, I have been inspired by efforts of members of our community to create a campus climate aligned with our values and principles of community.  Thank you for all that you do. We all have a role to play in shaping our ideal future. I know there is collective commitment from our police department and all members of this campus to make it so.

Fiat Lux.

Carol Christ
Chancellor's Office