On Tuesday of this week, the University of California, Berkeley released a set of documents related to the riot that occurred on campus earlier this year during a speaking event by provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos.
In a mass e-mail sent out late Tuesday, campus spokeswoman Liane Ko wrote: "The University has received a large number of California Public Records Act (CPRA) requests for a broad range of records related to invitations by student groups for Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, and David Horowitz to speak on campus.
"Due to the complexity and volume of these requests, and in our effort to make non-exempt records available to requesters as quickly and efficiently as possible, we are now providing a consolidated response to all of these CPRA requests."
The documents will be released "on a rolling basis," Ko continued.
The first batch of documents relates to the riot that took place at UC Berkeley in February of this year during a speech by controversial writer and provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos. That "night of terror" ended with fire bombs and terrified students fearing for their safety. Eventually, even the FBI got involved in the matter.