The University of California — birthplace of the Free Speech Movement — will open a center in Washington D.C. devoted to research, education and advocacy on issues of free speech and civic engagement.
U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has rescinded 72 guidelines that outlined rights for disabled students, raising concerns within the UC Berkeley community about waning protections for students with disabilities.
SACRAMENTO — Californians who do not identify as male or female will have a third gender option on driver’s licenses and birth certificates under a bill Gov. Jerry Brown signed Sunday.
Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza discussed the current and future goals of BLM within the current political climate at the UC Berkeley International House on Thursday.
Campus administrators, staff and students joined together Thursday to reevaluate the role of free speech online and on campus, marking 53 years since UC Berkeley’s 1964 Free Speech Movement took place.
The alt-right is laying a trap for Berkeley students during next week’s planned “Free Speech Week,” a writer with the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Alabama-based anti-hate group, told students and administrators Tuesday night.