Faculty Equity Advisors consult with graduate admissions committees to ensure equity and inclusion in graduate admissions and fellowships. Faculty Equity Advisors also may be a resource for graduate retention and success.
Consult with the graduate admissions committee to: (1) confirm that diversity is being considered and that proactive practices are used for recruiting and selecting new graduate students - including the development of an appropriate Evaluation Protocol that is being used by the admissions committee, (2) follow-up regarding specific student admission cases as necessary, (3) support requests for additional admissions allocations to increase departmental diversity, and (4) verifying awards of Chancellor’s Fellowships are in keeping with the intention and spirit of that fellowship.
Provide assistance to the academic unit: (1) to make sure qualified students are nominated for diversity fellowships or other forms of support, (2) to encourage faculty participation in the fellowship committee.
Review the demographic diversity of the applicant pool, the admitted pool, and the graduate students in the academic unit. When necessary, work with the unit, the divisional Diversity Director (where one exists), and the Office for Graduate Diversity toward increased equity and inclusion in graduate admissions.
Be a resource to the chair/dean to best ensure that all graduate students are making adequate progress and receiving the attention they need. When necessary, work with the academic unit and with support from the Office for Graduate Diversity in resolving any issues.
Encourage faculty peers to participate in diversity training initiatives sponsored by the Graduate Division/Office for Graduate Diversity, such as:Graduate Diversity Admissions Institute andGraduate Diversity Leadership Academy