Upcoming Faculty Events

These events are designed to foster equity, inclusion, diversity, belonging and justice on the Berkeley campus. 

Event sponsors include the Division of Equity & Inclusion, the Office for Faculty Equity and Welfare, and the Graduate Division, along with their campus partners.

Graduate Admissions Institute

Dates TBD

Graduate Division Initiative

The Graduate Admissions Institute provides information and resources to departments interested in diversifying their graduate student cohorts and promoting the values of equity, inclusion, justice and belonging across their academic programs. Workshops are virtual.

Upcoming Sessions:

  • Aligning Recruitment and Admissions, TBD
  • Fundamentals of Equity in Graduate Admissions, TBD

Past session resources available. 

Graduate Diversity Leadership Academy

Check back for 2024-25 details 

Graduate Division Initiative

The Graduate Diversity Leadership Academy helps equip departments to focus on the domains of graduate admissions, belonging, climate, advising, mentoring, and data for equity.

Past session resources include:

  • Introduction to Equity-Minded Mentoring
  • Creating Cultures of Mentoring and Well-Being

Faculty Link Identity Gatherings

September 25, October 10, Additional Dates Forthcoming

Faculty Link Program

These informal gatherings are an opportunity for faculty with particular identities to come together in community, get to know other faculty, and share resources and support. Each is hosted by one or two Faculty Link Core Advisors. Gathering topics change each semester.

9/25: Black Faculty Gathering
10/10: Asian American & Pacific Islander Faculty Gathering

Date TBD: Gathering for Faculty Parents

Carving your Path and having Impact as an Assistant Professor

October 30, 2024, 12:15 - 2:00 

Faculty Link Program

Whether you are a new, first-time assistant professor, are close to going up for promotion, or are somewhere in the middle, this Forum is for you! We invite you to join us to share and learn new insights about this academic career phase. We will discuss strategies for defining what success means to you; building impact in your field while striving for tenure; maintaining your authentic self in your research, teaching, and service; setting clear boundaries; establishing and maintaining healthy work-life balance; and planning ahead for your first associate professor years and beyond. 

Working Interdisciplinarily: Connection, Collaboration, and Cultivation

October 3rd, 11:45am - 1:30pm  

Faculty Link Program

Join us as we share lunch and explore the complexities and rewards of engaging in research and teaching that spans multiple disciplines. We’ll consider both practical issues, such as ensuring that your distinct contributions to an interdisciplinary project are appropriately credited, securing funding for integrated projects, and choosing the best letter writers (and educating your Department Chair/Head and senior colleagues) when your work lives at the intersection of disciplines; as well as some of the more nuanced topics, such as worries over being siloed, having clear boundaries around expertise, and knowing how you might best use co-teaching to cultivate interdisciplinary collaborations. 

B4:  Building Belonging @ Berkeley and Beyond

Quarterly dialogue sessions

Division of Equity & Inclusion Initiative

A Virtual Dialogue Series focused on developing transformative practitioners, educators, and learners. to move toward anti-oppressive action.

Recordings of past sessions are available on the B4 webpage. Recordings include: Disability Justice (2 sessions); Building a Culture of Safety; Beyond Land Acknoweldgements. 

Teaching and Working in Troubled Times

Teaching and Working in Troubled Times is a workshop series exploring the ways that current social/political issues, challenges and concerns are impacting faculty, staff, students, classrooms, and the Berkeley campus. In 2024-25, two sessions will be held per semester. Please check the TWTT website for updated listings and resources from past sessions. 

  • 10/1: Beyond Both Sides: Advancing spaces for exploration, not false binaries