Health and Wellness

Disease detective offers mask tips, hope in the face of COVID-19

University Health Services (UHS)

Cornonavirus (COVID-19) Information (UHS)

Hours of Operation (UHS)

Crisis Counseling for Urgent Concerns
   Students should call (510) 642-9494 to speak with a counselor

Counseling and Psychological Services - CAPS (UHS - for students)

Path to Care Center  -  Information about Sexual Violence Sexual Harassment (SVSH) resources

Faculty and Staff - Wellness (UHS)

Faculty and Staff - Ergonomics (UHS)

Your weekly video guide to calm and connection in the COVID-19 storm

Resiliency and Mental Health - School of Public Health

Greater Good’s Guide to Well-Being During Coronavirus

Rec Sports Online - a collection of free resources, virtual classes, and online videos to the UC Berkeley community

Box Breathing - Breathing doesn’t always come naturally when we’re experiencing stress or anxiety. Here’s a technique that helps called Box Breathing