This Arab American Heritage Month, we recognize and honor the diverse backgrounds and faiths, vibrant traditions, and commitment to the community of Arab Americans.
Exploring Arab American Heritage: Contributions, Impact, and Recognition
Whether it is through their cultural heritage and faith, their contributions to the arts, sciences, and humanities, or their advocacy for social justice and equality, the Arab American community have made immeasurable impacts on our nation's history and identity.
From Mohamed Atalla's invention of the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), revolutionizing modern electronics, to Elias James Corey's groundbreaking work in organic chemistry, which earned him the Nobel Prize, their ingenuity has propelled technological advancements. Additionally, figures like Danny Thomas, founder of St. Jude's Children's Hospital, and Tony Shalhoub, an Emmy-winning actor, have left an enduring cultural legacy, while the culinary expertise of Arab American entrepreneurs, like owners of restaurants and bakeries, has reshaped the American culinary landscape.
Centers and Departments
- Department of Middle East Languages and Cultures
- Department of History
- Department of Ethnic Studies
- Department of Gender and Women’s Studies
- International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs
- Center for Middle Eastern Studies